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Katrina Sanglay as the new OIC Collection Head of EverFirst

By Kimberly Tianzon

They say people who exude a positive attitude are more likely to become successful in nearly every area of life.

Katrina Sanglay, popularly known as “Kat” in EverFirst, is known to have this happy and bubbly personality. She is often seen with a wide grin in on her face around the office, making everyone around her as cheerful as she is.


She was welcomed by Everfirst last April 22, 2013. Since then, she dedicated her ten years in Everfirst as a receiving clerk for one year and a collection staff for nine years. The experiences she had over the years have brought her into the most sought-after position in their department. She was chosen as the new OIC Collection Head last June 1, 2023.


Now that she has become the department’s head, her priority is to build a strong relationship with her subordinates in order to succeed as a team. As a leader, she believes that open communication, allowing her people to express their thoughts and feelings, and listening to them, is one of the key factors in achieving a harmonious relationship within the department. 

As a matter of fact, she wasn’t expecting this promotion at all, because she initially applied as for a supervisor position only. Now that she has been chosen, rest assured that she will do her utmost best to align herself with the management in achieving the company’s goal and objectives.


It is clear to her that the position entails a great responsibility, therefore she finds this challenging, yet rewarding. According to her, handling the entire department somewhat requires a great sense of selflessness. It is to think not only of yourself, but also of your people. It is to put your people’s welfare before yours. It is becoming an excellent role model and a great leader to them. It is instilling integrity, courage, the idea of hard work, and perseverance into each one of them in order to move the entire department into the next level.


Being terrified of the greatness that this position may bring is normal. She’s glad that she has people behind her who appreciates her ability to handle the job well and recognizes the love she has for her work.


She hopes and prays for the people in their department to continue to support one another. May the experienced ones pass on their learnings and the values they have gained over the years to the new ones so they can remain united for the years to come.


To Kat, continue to wear your smile and influence people with your bright personality. Congratulations on your promotion!

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